The Indian gurus develope the ancient science of Ayurveda. It has evolved from many books and manuscripts to become one of the oldest but most innovative medical procedures. ‘Ayur’ indicates life, while ‘Veda’ denotes science. The phrase “Ayurveda” thus signifies “science of life.” Since the past 5000 years, Ayurvedic theories and concepts have been put into practice. It offers advice on how to live healthy and live a long time. It contains directions on how to prevent sickness and manage it using yoga, therapies, herbal remedies, a healthy diet, and lifestyle modifications.
According to Ayurveda, if your body (sharira), mind (mana), senses (indriya), and soul (atma) are intelligently coordinate, you can live a long and healthy life.
The five elements (panchmahabhoot) in Ayurveda are earth (prithvi), water (jal), fire (agni), air (vayu), and ether (aakash). These elements combine to form the three physical energies of vata, pitta, and kapha as well as the three mental energies of satva, rajas, and tamas, which in turn determine the constitution (prakriti). In order to balance the various aspects of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, Ayurveda offers a special synthesis of science and philosophy.

The leaves, nuts, seeds, bark, roots, and other components of the plant are among the sections from which ayurvedic medicines are harvest. There are countless varieties of these herbs and their mixtures that can be used as medications. The way in which they are process and extract also varies widely; some are extract by boiling in water, while others are used to make herbal wines or are consumed directly. The term “proprietary medicines” refers to concoctions of herbs created by pharmaceutical firms as opposes to the “classical medicines” describe in Ayurvedic texts. Before beginning any medication, it is recommend that you consult with our expert doctors for the
best Ayurvedic doctors in Pune.
In Ayurveda, the ‘naadi’ or pulse receives great significance. Naadipariksha is a method of pulse-base diagnostics. The pulse’s vibrating frequency aids in the identification of the body’s many functions. and it demonstrate a person’s physical and mental features. There are 14 naadi mention in yogic writings, each of which has a unique function that involves a different area of the body. It is possible to influence these body components’ processes by stimulating a naadi. Naadi is describe as “jivasakshi,” or the evidence of life.

Ayurveda uses the potent purifying and healing process known as panchakarma. As the name implies, it is a collection of five therapies intend to rid the body of toxins.
These treatments include are:
Vaman: Describes emesis bring on by medication. Inducing vomiting in this situation aids in the removal of poisons from the tissues. It is typically applied to the management of diseases with a Kapha predominance.
Virechanam: Describes purgation brought on by medication. Its main goal is to eliminate poisons by intestinal evacuation. It is used to treat diseases with a pitta predominance, such as herpes, jaundice, colitis, etc.
Basti: Enema with medication is refers to as “basti.” One of Ayurveda’s multiple contributions to medicine is the enemas, which is to be quite successful in treating a wide range of medical illnesses. Oil, ghee, milk, and other herbal remedies are injected into the rectum.
Nasyam: This word denotes the use of nasal spray. Natural nose drops made from herbs can be use to treat a variety of headaches, migraines, hair, respiratory, and other conditions.
Bloodletting through a leech or cuts produce with a metal tool is known as Raktmokshanam. It is advise for illnesses on by impure blood.
The nature of ayurvedic therapy is holistic. This indicates that Ayurveda considers people as an integral component of their environment and that true health may be attained through a holistic strategy that priorities one’s physical, mental, and social well-being.
The basic principles of Ayurvedic medicine are what give it its success and widespread acceptance.
Five components: Every substance found in nature has the potential to be a medication since everything in the universe, whether living and non-living, is compose of the same five fundamental elements.
A Tridosha: Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, and apha) is an Ayurvedic concept that refers to physiological and biological characteristics.
In Ayurveda, treatment is a healing process that tries to cure the illness, stop it from coming back, and promote overall health. Ayurvedic medicine uses natural approaches and a comprehensive approach to treat patients in an effort to find a lasting solution. As its goal is not merely to restore health but also to establish equilibrium in the body, it addresses the underlying source of the issue. To do this, the doshas must be balance, toxins must be removed, the digestive system must be strengthen, channels must be open, and tissues must be rejuvenate.
Some of the most common diseases that can be treat by Ayurveda are:
- Acne treatment in Pune
- Anorexia (Loss of appetite)
- Anxiety
- Acidity
- Bronchitis & Asthma treatment in pune
- Backache
- Boils
- Constipation
- Common cold & Cough
- Colitis
- Cystitis
- Cervical Spondylosis
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Dandruff
- Depression
- Diarrhoea
- Eczema
- Infertility
- Gout
- Gastritis
- Graying of Hair
- Gas and Indigestion
- Hypercholesteramia (Highcholesterol)
- Hyperacidity
- High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
- Hair Loss treatment in pune
- Heart Diseases treatment in pune
- Insomnia
- Immunity Disorders
- Irregular Menstrual Period
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Jaundice/Hepatitis
- Joint Pain
- Kidney stone
- Liver Disorder
- Menopause
- Loss of Memory
- Migraine
- Obesity
- Piles / Fissure / Fistula
- Psoriasis
- Peptic Ulcer
- Palpitation
- Premature Ejaculation
- Stress Management
- Sinusitis
- Skin Care
- Sexual Impotency
- Sciatica
- Sleeplessness
- Under weight
- Urinary Diseases
- Urticaria
- Vertigo
- Women & Obesity
- Wart
- Weakness and fatigue